I suppose that since most of our hurts come through relationships, so will our healing,
and I know that grace rarely makes sense for those looking in from the outside.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Good Memories

This morning it was raining when I got to work, and since I was a few minutes early, I laid my head back on the headrest and closed my eyes.

I always love the sound of rain on the roof, but this morning it reminded me of Mexico.

I remembered the sound of the rain on our car roof that first night on the road as we drove towards San Francisco with Ben, Kenji, and Matt singing "Tipsy" in the backseat and being so hyper and excited that we probably could have driven all night.

I remembered the sound of the rain on the tent roof in Técate as Megan and I huddled together amid the rapidly rising waters.

I remembered the sound of the rain on the van roof as all the girls slept sitting up after we got flooded out of our tent.

I remembered the sound of the rain on the shingled roof at our building site as we drug 2x4's through the mud.

I remembered being surrounded by friends.  I remembered being freezing cold and wet - the whole week.  I remembered laughing.  I remembered being outrageously dirty and smelling like campfire.  I remembered being really, really, indescribably happy.

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