I suppose that since most of our hurts come through relationships, so will our healing,
and I know that grace rarely makes sense for those looking in from the outside.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Weird and Wacky Summer

This summer is going to be different, I'm not gonna lie. First off, I just want to say that I'm not complaining here, I'm just musing about the things that are going on this summer. The "summer group" is splitting up this year. We're all going different places and serving the Lord in different ways. Well, I'm staying home, but it will still be different without the rest of the gang around. I will admit that I'm a little jealous of Alise and Jordon especially, since it's always been my dream to go to a South American country to do mission work, but the Lord made it very clear to me from the start that this Costa Rica trip, although it was perfect for Alise and Jordon, was not what He had for me. I know that He must have a plan for me this summer and I need to be content with that.

I don't want to fall into the trap of just "doing the same old stuff." Because it's not. Sure, I'm going to be at some of the same places that I'm at every summer, but I pray that God will show Himself to me in very new and exciting ways throughout these next few months.

I'm going to miss my best friend ... a lot. I'm super excited for her, and this opportunity that God has so clearly led her to, but I'm still gonna miss her! From our intense prayer group times, to the way we try to hold each other accountable to stay in the Word and seek God through the busy times of the summer, to our deep late night talks, it's going to be a very different summer without her. I have no doubt that God is going to do awesome things in both of our lives this summer as we yield to Him, but it's going to be a new thing to have such different experiences. Not a bad thing, just different! :-)

My dear friend Katie said something tonight at Bible study that really hit me. It's such a simple truth, yet one that we so easily forget in the busyness of life. I just want to be like Jesus. It's really true. All the little things fall under that. I just want to be more like Jesus. That is my prayer for myself this summer. That I would grow to be more like my Savior, trusting Him with every aspect of my life, and giving Him the total preeminence He deserves in my life.

Mood: Contemplative
Music: None

1 comment:

Alise said...

Carrie, I cannot begin to tell you how many times I wanted to just sit somewhere at the end of the day and just talk. Remember after the door to door when we sat at the end of that neverending hallway and talked till late? Or when we had to switch cellphone cards so I could call Cody? Oh my goodness. You{re amazing! And I just realized that I never tell you how valuable you are in my life. You rock!
