But the fun had just begun. Earlier, Kaitlyn, Makenna, Holly, Carol, and I had decided to have an "end of year root beer drinking party" after sectional tonight. We had gone and bought the necessary root beer earlier, so after sectional we headed out. The original plan was to go down on the soccer field and star-gaze and drink and talk, but then we got scared of nutria. Plus it was super dark down there and we didn't have a flashlight. So naturally, we hitched a ride back up the hill (this time it was a nice couple coming back from a date who let us ride in the back of their truck) and we went back to Balyo to get a flashlight and formulate Plan B. And off we went to the water tower. The path up to the water tower was also very dark, scary, and sketch, so it took quite a bit of convincing to get Kenna and I up there, but I think we're both glad we did it. :) We laid on our blankets, watching the stars, throwing rocks at the water tower, drinking root beer, and talking about everything from how God has worked in our lives this year, to the usual "FWP Updates" all around.
It seemed the fun was over for tonight, so I headed to my room to start homework (hee hee) and do laundry, but just as I had gotten everything into my bag to drag down the hall to the laundry room, I heard voices outside my window. It was Carol and Holly and Makenna and Kaitlyn and they were going around to the different dorms banging on windows with lights still on and running away. Naturally I was like, "Ooooo, me come too!" and I put my tennis shoes back on and headed back out, homework still not started of course. We started out over at PVG, but most everyone was asleep over there, or else there were too many couples sitting outside making out. Ben was still up, but security was hanging around so no good scaring opportunities there. Then we skedaddled on down to Farrar who had a plethora of lights still on. The beauty of Farrar is that their windows don't have screens, so we threw small rocks into boys' open windows. You must understand that Farrar men are very large, loud, and manly, so they yelled out their windows at us in their deep voices as we ran away. (OK, I admit, I was not the one actually throwing pebbles. I was the lookout for security!) Then we went down to Aagard and were just about to scare the crap outta some poor girl who had her lights on and her window still open, but then her neighbor scared us instead! We wander back down Deer Park Drive in the direction of Farrar and someone has the bright idea to throw rocks in their windows again. This time the boys do more than yell. As we're running away, large, manly Farrar guys are running out of their dorm chasing us. We're sure we're dead meat, and we're trying to run back up the hill, but guys can run faster than girls. Just then we see a car coming up Warrior Drive and we basically jump out in front of it and bang on the windows to get the guy to let us in. Turns out, it was Kyle (Ben's 1st semester roommate!) and we all piled into his VW Bug just in the nick of time! He drops us off at Balyo and we collapse on the back steps laughing with our hearts still beating a million miles a minute and our legs still shaking.
Now I'm sitting here (It's almost 3am) and I still need to do my homework. But tonight was such good times with such amazing girls that I wanted to write it out while it was still fresh in my mind. "These are the moments we'll remember all our lives."
Mood: Happy.
Music: Clock ticking.
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