I suppose that since most of our hurts come through relationships, so will our healing,
and I know that grace rarely makes sense for those looking in from the outside.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Ah Ha Moment!

Personality types.  They're one of my favorite things to talk about, think about, and read about, so you've most likely heard some of these thoughts at some point in the past.  However, in the past few weeks I've been considering whether I was really as much of an extrovert as I've always thought I was.  I've always tested pretty high in the extrovert areas on various evaluations, but I started to wonder if I was picking the "extrovert" answers on these things just because it was so deeply ingrained in my head that that's what I'm supposed to be.  I mean, others always tell me that I'm outgoing and friendly and usually not afraid to talk to people and let's face it: as an RA and a ministry major, it's sort of a given that I'm supposed to love being around people, right?  

Now I know that being an introvert doesn't mean that you hate people.  I love the definitions of intro/extraverts that explain it as describing how you recharge and where you get your energy.  Introverts refill their emotional tanks by being alone and having some well-deserved and needed "just-me-time" so that they can go back out and give of themselves to others.  Extroverts on the other hand, refill those reservoirs in their soul by spending time with people.  Of course these are very specific people, because not all relationships are of the "refilling" sort.  The reality is that a lot of relationships are very draining, but extroverts recharge by intentionally spending time with people who energize them rather than drain them.  

Last weekend was a long weekend for us, and I chose to stay here at school rather than going home.  Gas is just too expensive.   But most of my hall was gone to some exotic location or another and life was pretty quiet around Balyo for three days.  I spent those three days mostly by myself, sleeping, reading, watching TV and movies, doing homework, and cleaning my room.  I enjoy all of those activities (yes, even homework and cleaning), and at the end of it all, I felt quite physically rested thanks to the massive amounts of sleep I'd gotten.  I started to wonder if maybe I was more of a introvert than I'd thought, because didn't I feel rested and refreshed?  It made some sense; I had chosen to spend most of the weekend alone and the idea had been very appealing to me, but by Tuesday morning when I went back to class, something was missing.  I certainly wasn't "recharged" and ready to plow through the next two months towards graduation.

This weekend has been a bit different.  I left as soon as my last class was done for the day, drove to Vancouver, and talked to Alise on the phone the whole way.  First stop was at my brother's house to have him check on my ever-needy car, then I headed across town to the first installment of a student ministry conference with Dr. Baker.  I got to have dinner with Danny, Baker, and Alyson which was just a blast, and then had a much-needed catch up time at Starbucks with my favorite youth pastor.  Saturday included the rest of the conference and I caught up with my sister and my parents on the phone while I drove back to school.  As soon as I got back in town, I went straight to Brenna's house for a quick dinner/chat, and wound up going to church with her which of course included Steve and Chad and all those awesome people.  I slipped out of church a few minutes early to make it to band practice on time, but after practice I spent a while in the coffee shop with Kelli, Jeff, and Miranda just talking, laughing and catching up on our lives.  Today after church with those three, Mir and I made a whirlwind shopping trip through the mall before I met my lovely RA Madison for a long-overdue coffee date.  We sipped chai and talked about life, men, and graduation and laughed and cried together.  Madi and I went and tried on shoes and discussed options for her date to the Black and White Dance, and just genuinely enjoyed spending time together.  

As I drove home from downtown, I was struck by one thing in particular:  right now, I am feeling so refreshed, full, blessed, and content.  Yes, I was busy this weekend, but I was constantly surrounded by people that I love.  People who encourage and challenge me and genuinely care about me.  It was then that I realized how much I value spending time with people who care about me and how much those interactions emotionally recharge me. 

So here is my conclusion:  Yes, I am still an extrovert.  I got a little less sleep than I probably should have this weekend, but I feel so much more energized to tackle my week than I did last weekend when I was getting 9 or 10 hours a night.  People recharge me, and make me realize just how blessed I am.  And I am very blessed indeed.

Mood:  Content and refreshed
Music:  "The Seasons for Piano, Opus 37" by Tchaikovsky